New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe

On this page we are taking a look at events happening from year 2020 onwards, if you are interested in past events please visit other pages on this website where you will see our track record. On this page you shall see and read about our Child rights art competition carried out in year 2020 and the child rights activities happening in 2021 and beyond.
Child human Rights Advocacy has been our main activity since the inception of NHF-Zimbabwe, we have done much and will continue to do more for the children of Zimbabwe and the rest of the world. In 2007, we planned and hosted a global event dubbed the Global March Against Child Labour, a 541 kilometres physical march from Harare to Plumtree border post with Botswana, the first of its kind in
Southern Africa.
This global event created a name for us on international NGO platforms

Day Of The African Child
Art Competition year 2020
NHF-Zimbabwe's first Art Competition: using the day of the African child 2020 theme, Access to Child-Friendly Justice Systems in Africa.
In 2020 COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, business and schools were closed and confusion engulfed many people including children who were the most affected, seeing these challenge and unable to go on the ground the Chairperson, Country Director and members of the NHF-Zimbabwe decided to commemorate the Day of the African Child virtually, spicing up the moods of children through an art competition, although we had no funding we managed to do something for and with children, we stood with all children who are in the African justice system.
Millions of children throughout Africa don't have access to justice, for instance, African justice systems are often hard to reach; courts are usually situated in large towns. In most countries children are arrested and detained together with hardcore criminals, this affects them as they will end up being criminals from the experience they have learned on committing a crime while in jail. Child-friendly justice should start from the day the child is arrested to the day they are taken to court or are convicted.
(Mahmooda Khan ) Chairperson NHF-Zimbabwe, and Deputy Executive Chairperson NHF-GN
“Community art is a process of harnessing the transformative power of original artistic expression and producing a range of outcomes: social, cultural, and environmental. Looking at politically, socially, culturally, and/or economically, community arts aim to establish and maximize inclusive ways of working, providing an opportunity for communities and their participants to continue to find ways to develop their own skills as artists and for artists to explore ways of transferring those skills. Through this process, community arts aim to maximize the access, participation, authorship, and ownership in collective art practice.” (E. Mcloud Z. Shangwa Executive Chairperson, New Hope Foundation Global Network.
Art competitions are a means of reaching out to children and support their integrative mental health affected by the effects of the pandemic, believing and having research evidence that support art as a therapy that enriches the lives of individuals, families, and communities through active art-making, creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience within a psychotherapeutic relationship, Art therapy effectively supports personal and relational treatment goals as well as community concerns. Art therapy is used to improve cognitive and sensorimotor functions, foster self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivate emotional resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change.
See Drawings from our 2020 Child Rights Art competition winner here.

Year 2021
On the 7th of February New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe (New Hope Zimbabwe Trust), launched a 1 month-long child rights advocacy program dubbed the Model Citizen Project. We are now in week two.
Duration: 1 month
85 participants are taking part (Children aged 10 to 18 years)
Provinces Covered: 8
Modules covered i
1- Childhood and children’s rights.
2- Module 2: Children’s rights and the law
3- Module 3: Children’s rights in the wider environment: the role of Parents, Guardians and Government
4- Module 5: Lawmaking Processes in Zimbabwe
5- Understanding the Zimbabwe Constitution
6-Explain the Optional Protocols for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Venue: Online WhatsApp group
Time from: 7.30 to 845 daily
Project Officials:
Host: Blessing Nhodza
Moderator: Mahmooda Khan-lowe
Instructor/Facilitator: Elfas Mcloud Z Shangwa https://elfasz-9.wixsite.com/hunter
The objective of the Model Citizen project is to organize children, network them, teach children about their rights in the UNCRC and the ACRWC, the relationship of these two international documents to the Zimbabwean Constitution, how to claim their rights, how to report child rights violations in their communities their responsibilities, laws and policies in their country, the law-making process, and above all how to become involved in promoting their rights as child rights defenders during this COVID-19, when a period when child right violations are so rampant around the World.
Final Report for this project can be found here
Hear what they are saying on the videos below:
Future lawyer
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I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.